
Kid Icarus Uprising: The Return of Medusa: Part 7

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Kid Icarus Uprising: The Return of Medusa- Part 7: The Terror of Tempura

"No more games Hades. Tell me what you did to Medusa."

Pit entered Palutena's chambers and was confronted with the Goddess of Light shouting at the jar in which the Lord of the Underworld's spirit had been imprisoned. He had never seen Palutena so angry; her eyes burned with a fury so intense that he felt rather unnerved and quietly sat down. She noticed him and her demeanour relaxed slightly though she still glared at the jar.

"I'm glad you're alright. From what I heard it was an intense battle, Thanatos has really upped his game since your last encounter."

Pit grinned, "Maybe, but he's still no match for raw angel power."

Hades' voice dripped with disbelief. "Raw angel power? And I thought my comments were cheesy."

"Stay out of this!" Palutena snapped. "Now what did you do to Medusa? She couldn't have returned on her own, you had a hand in this. Didn't you?"

Hades sighed, "Okay you got me. Before I destroyed Medusa in my last battle with Pitty, I placed one of my delightful curses on her. She would be reincarnated each time she was defeated for all eternity. Call it a parting gift, if you will."

Pit's eyes widened, "So no matter how many times we destroy her, she'll come back?"

"That's pretty much the definition of eternity. So no matter how hard you try, you'll never be rid of her. Maybe you should try a new approach; I hear she's single at the moment."

"Ewww that's gross! I don't have a crush on Medusa! She's hideous, she wants to destroy mankind and she's insane!"

"Oh come on Pitty, she's not that bad. Besides, ladies aren't exactly queuing up for a slice of Pitty pie are they? The closest you got to a woman was Phosphora and you ended up knocking her unconscious. You certainly are romantic."

Pit turned bright red, "Okay first of all, that was then Phosphora was an enemy, second, she's not my type. Alright maybe she's kind of cute and around my age.... and she's a good fighter with beautiful golden hair and a nice curved body with nice round...."

"Okay that's enough Pit" Palutena said quickly, glancing at the door.

"I'm not done yet. She's very acrobatic and her lightning makes me... tingly. She's got a voice so sweet it feels like ambrosia and her eyes make me forget the troubles in the world."

"Stop the presses, Pit's in love" Hades exclaimed. "Maybe you should tell her how you feel."

Palutena shook her head, "Actually Pit, that's not a good idea right now..."

"Why not? She's bound to feel the same way..."

"Actually she doesn't but she's very flattered you feel that way about her" said the voice from the doorway.

Pit spun round and the colour drained from his face. Phosphora gave him a smile and he nearly fell off his seat. Hades burst out laughing and Palutena slammed the lid on the jar with such force that it nearly shattered.

"Nice to see you Phosphora, Is everything alright?"

"Actually no. Viridi has lost contact with Dark Pit. He was about to fight Pandora when he suddenly lost consciousness. We can't talk to him or even find him. I've been trying to track him down but I could use some help."

"Pit, go with her. You have an innate connection with Dark Pit that may help you locate him. But be careful, this could just be a trap to lure you in."

"Don't worry Palutena, Pit and I will be fine. Besides" she added with a wink, "He can just look into my eyes and forgot all the troubles around him."

Pit wanted the ground to swallow him up.

The Tempura wizard rubbed his hands together with glee. Soon the angel would arrive and soon he would be dead. Medusa would reward him greatly and the look on Eggplant wizard's face would be priceless. He glanced over at the Skuttlers accompanying him who were trying to chain up two huge skulls.

"Are we ready for our guest's arrival?"

"Almost but I hate to tell you sir, this plan isn't going to work."

"Ah, but we have our secret weapon. Tempura bombs."

"Umm... that doesn't fill me with confidence."

"Maybe if we'd brought the giant laser cannon instead..." the Erinus grumbled.

"I told you, that's reserved for the siege on Skyworld! We can't waste valuable weapons on one angel!"

"Why not? He's the greater threat. With him dead, Skyworld will fall easily."

"I am in charge Erinus and I say we use Tempura bombs. So shut up and help me arm them."

Pit felt very uneasy as he soared through the air, not because of the potential dangers lurking ahead, but because Phosphora now knew exactly how he felt about her and was playfully teasing him about it.

"Do you enjoy this Pit?" she giggled as she fired a lightning bolt at a cloud. "Does it make you feel tingly?"

Pit glared at her, "It's not funny! You weren't supposed to hear that conversation."
"What's the matter? I thought you liked me."

"I do but I wasn't ready to tell you then. I was going to wait until the right moment."

"Relax Pit, I'm just messing with you. Though you are very cute when you're embarrassed."

"Umm... thank you. So... when this is over, do you want to catch a movie, go out to dinner? Not a date or anything, just as friends."

Phosphora gave him a smile which made him light up inside. "I'd like that, though it appears that dinner may occur early. Check out the fried shrimp down there."

"Oh no! Not the Tempura Wizard!"

"Ha! I knew it! You think I'm worse than Eggplant!"

"Actually, you're both equally annoying."

"But I'm still worse, right?"

"I don't really care. You're getting a smack down regardless."

"Is that a yes then?"

"Does it matter?"


"Fine, Tempura is more threatening than Eggplant."


"Sir? Why are you addressing your insults to me? I'm not an Eggplant."

"Don't interrupt me when I'm gloating Skuttler!"

Phosphora stared down at the Underworld minions with a raised eyebrow, "How about we teach these morons a lesson, track down Dark Pit and then go to that new Italian restaurant that just opened?"

"Sounds like a great idea to me" Pit smiled, readying his bow.

(Cue awesome battle music)

To be continued...
Part 7 at last. Apologies fro the long delay, I needed time to think about what to write for this chapter.

Much more light hearted after the climax of the previous chapter and I wanted to add a little romance- we shall see whether it continues.

After some comments about Medusa's return, I decided it was time to provide an explanation- of course it had to involve Hades.

The rivalry between Eggplant and Tempura continues ( for some reason I imagine Tempura sounding like Seth Mcfarlane).
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thedragonlover95's avatar
Lols never getting tired of the games humor